Home > Galleries > Detroit > Swords into Plowshares Peace Center and Gallery

Swords into Plowshares Peace Center and Gallery

The entrance on Adams Street

The entrance on Adams Street. Parking is accessed from Elizabeth Street.

33 E. Adams
Detroit MI 48226

Very close to Comerica Park (where the Detroit Tigers now play). The peace center is nestled between the Central United Methodist Church, which supports the center's mis­sion, and Cheli's Chili Bar. Coming from Midtown on the QLine, the closest stop to the peace center is the Grand Circus stop.

Gallery hours are supposed to be on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. However, you're strongly advised to call (313) 963-7575 before coming over, just to make sure. That's also the number for ap­point­ments.

The gallery has four distinct exhibition spaces, which are occasionally used for two concurrent exhibits. Besides art ex­hib­its, the center also often hosts events re­lat­ed to the pacifist movement and other ac­tiv­ism.

The name of the gallery comes from the Holy Bible:

And He shall judge among the na­tions, and shall rebuke many peo­ple, and they shall beat their swords into plow­shares, and their spears in­to pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against na­tion, nei­ther shall they learn war any more. — Isaiah 2:4

Upcoming exhibitions

Past exhibitions

A tall drawing of an elephant

One of the bigger pieces in the Guns: Artists Respond exhibit was Elephant in the Room: Response to Sandy Hook, by Robin Wilt. Photo by Alonso del Arte.

The complete list goes back to 2000 or even earlier than that, but I don't know if the information is neatly compiled somewhere.

There was a memorial reception for Wendy Hamilton on September 30, 2018.

External links


