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Galleries in Detroit

The Vault of Midnight comic book store's New Cen­ter area location has a small space al­lo­cated spe­cif­i­cal­ly for local artists, which don't nec­es­sar­i­ly have to be comic book art­ists. The address is 2857 E. Grand Bou­le­vard.

Although it was the case that Cass Cafe and Great Lakes Coffee showed art in ex­hib­its of fixed or roughly fixed duration, I considered both of those places to be res­tau­rants that show art as a non-primary activity, and therefore they didn't count as art gal­leries.

However, Cass Cafe was more serious about art ex­hi­bi­tions than perhaps any other res­tau­rant in Detroit, with new ex­hib­its announced in the Art De­troit Now news­let­ter on a fairly reg­u­lar basis. But both of Cass Cafe and Great Lakes Coffee went out of business, though for different reasons.

Motor City Brewing Works some­times has little one-night solo shows on Wednes­days. The address is 470 W. Canfield.

Another place, south of Cass Cafe and Motor City Brewing Works, is the Detroit Ship­ping Com­pa­ny. I think it opened in 2018. There have been art ex­hib­its there almost the whole time it's been open. The address is 474 Peter­boro.

To deal with the coronavirus pandemic of 2020, many restaurants were forced to either limit them­selves to curb­side delivery or go out of business. This meant no art exhibits in 2020 or 2021 in restaurants that had been exhibiting art prior to the pandemic. As things slowly return back to the old normal (though it's not certain that's pos­si­ble), some res­tau­rants have started showing art again.

The lobby of the Crain's Communications head­quar­ters has been refashioned as "the Gal­lery in Brewery Park." Unfortunately, most openings are for narrow windows of time on Saturday afternoons, rather than in the eve­ning. The address is 1155 Gratiot.

After moving from Ferndale to Detroit, The Butcher's Daughter moved to New York.

Kunsthalle Detroit is believed to be permanently closed.

I don't remember exactly when the Marygrove College Art Gallery closed. Or if it never did really close. The address is 8425 W. McNichols.

Inner State Gallery closed on December 16, 2017. The owners might start a new gallery with a new name at a new location.

City Sculpture is more correctly considered to be a museum rather than a gallery.

There is quite a bit of a connection between Birmingham and Detroit: Like Wasserman Projects, Reyes Projects could also be said to have moved from Birmingham to Detroit. David Klein Gallery had a Detroit location, but now it only has a Birmingham location.

Blackbird Gallery moved to Farmington Hills.