Gallery doors

Two doors to the gallery. Photo by Alonso del Arte.

Home > Galleries > Detroit > Matéria


"Core City" location

4725 16th, Unit 3
Detroit MI 48208

Midtown location

444 W. Willis, #112
Detroit MI 48201

Art gallery owned by Simone DeSousa. Orig­i­nal­ly called Re:View Contemporary, lat­er Si­mone De­Sou­sa Gal­lery.

In the announcement e-mail, the name of the gal­lery was stylized as "MATΣ́RIA," which of course makes no sense given that the Greek let­ter sigma is an S sound, not an E sound, though at least the owner does seem to at least have some awareness that a capital sigma is used as a mathematical symbol for summation.

The Midtown location was the gallery's orig­i­nal location. That location continued to be used for exhibits overlapping with the ones that take place at the Core City lo­ca­tion. But on August 17, 2024, the gal­lery sent out an e-mail saying all future ex­hib­its will be exclusively at the Core City lo­ca­tion.

Upcoming exhibitions

All exhibits listed in this section slated to take place at the Core City location.

Past exhibitions

Period of exhibiting only at the Core City location

Period of simultaneous exhibits at both locations

External links


