Photo of Lois Teicher by Donita Simpson
Detail of a portrait of Lois Teicher, pho­to by Donita Simpson.

Home > Artists > Sculptors > Lois Teicher

Lois Teicher

Sculptor specializing in site-spe­cif­ic art using steel, from ini­tial concept and planning through fab­ri­ca­tion to in­stal­la­tion. Nick­named "the wom­an of steel." A lot of her work is in cor­po­rate, in­sti­tu­tion­al and pri­vate col­lec­tions.

Bachelor of Fine Arts 1979 from the Col­lege for Cre­a­tive Stu­dies (CCS), Mas­ter of Fine Arts 1981 from East­ern Mich­i­gan Uni­ver­si­ty. Win­ner of the Guvvy Award 2008, ossia the Mich­i­gan Art­ist Life­time Achieve­ment Award. Two-time winner of an award from the may­or of Dear­born. Frequent ju­ror of art ex­hi­bi­tions.

Despite all her accolades, Lois is not slowing down to rest on her laurels. At any given time, she's either plan­ning a new proj­ect or gathering materials or cre­at­ing new artwork. Her next un­veil­ing is ex­pect­ed to be in met­ro Detroit later this year.

Yellow paper airplane

One of several "paper" airplanes by Lois Teicher at the Bishop In­ter­na­tion­al Airport in Flint. Photo by Shel Hens­leigh.

Current exhibitions

Even when she doesn't have any artwork in gal­leries, there are plenty of places to see her art­work in site-spe­cif­ic installations around Mich­i­gan: Big Rapids, Bir­ming­ham, Detroit, Grand Blanc, Grosse Ile, Mount Clem­ens, Thomp­son­ville, Tra­verse City, West Bloom­field, each of these boast at least one in­stal­la­tion by her. The book Art in Detroit Public Places by Den­nis Naw­roc­ki is a very good re­source.

But she's probably most famous for a series of "pa­per" airplanes at the Bishop International Air­port in Flint.

Also she has an installation at the Adams Dai­ry Park­way Shop­ping Cen­ter in Blue Springs, Mis­sou­ri.

Upcoming exhibitions

Various plans. Also, she's in the planning stages for a few more site-specific installations to be unveiled later this year or next year. Dates and locations to be announced.

Past exhibitions

Selected past exhibitions prior to 2024

I have not had time to sift through her long list of past exhibits. For now I'll just list a few very arbitrarily chosen exhibits from her résumé prior to 2024. Suffice it to say that a complete listing would be way more than twice as long as this.

External links

