Photo of Lois Teicher by Donita Simpson
Detail of a portrait of Lois Teicher, pho­to by Donita Simpson.

Home > Artists > Sculptors > Lois Teicher

Lois Teicher

Sculptor specializing in site-specific art using steel, from initial concept and planning through fabrication to in­stal­la­tion. Nicknamed "the woman of steel." A lot of her work is in corporate, in­sti­tu­tion­al and pri­vate col­lec­tions.

Bachelor of Fine Arts 1979 from the College for Creative Studies (CCS), Mas­ter of Fine Arts 1981 from Eastern Mich­i­gan Uni­ver­si­ty. Winner of the Guvvy Award 2008, ossia the Michigan Artist Lifetime Achievement Award. Two-time winner of an award from the may­or of Dear­born. Frequent juror of art exhibitions.

Despite all her accolades, Lois is not slowing down to rest on her laurels. At any given time, she's either planning a new project or gathering materials or creating new artwork. Her next unveiling is expected to be in metro Detroit later this year.

Yellow paper airplane

One of several "paper" airplanes by Lois Teicher at the Bishop In­ter­na­tion­al Airport in Flint. Photo by Shel Hens­leigh.

Current exhibitions

Even when she doesn't have any artwork in galleries, there are plenty of places to see her artwork in site-specific installations around Michigan: Big Rapids, Bir­ming­ham, Detroit, Grand Blanc, Grosse Ile, Mount Clemens, Thompsonville, Tra­verse City, West Bloomfield, each of these boast at least one installation by her. The book Art in Detroit Public Places by Dennis Nawrocki is a very good resource.

But she's probably most famous for a series of "paper" airplanes at the Bishop International Airport in Flint.

Also she has an installation at the Adams Dairy Parkway Shopping Center in Blue Springs, Missouri.

Upcoming exhibitions

Various plans. Also, she's in the planning stages for a few more site-specific installations to be unveiled later this year or next year. Dates and locations to be announced.

Past exhibitions

Selected past exhibitions prior to 2024

I have not had time to sift through her long list of past exhibits. For now I'll just list a few very arbitrarily chosen exhibits from her résumé prior to 2024. Suffice it to say that a complete listing would be way more than twice as long as this.

External links

