Gallery front

Front of the gallery for Sydney James's opening.

Home > Galleries > Detroit > Playground Detroit

Playground Detroit

2845 Gratiot
Detroit MI 48207

1535 Sixth Street
Detroit MI 48226

Founded by Paulina Petkoski and Sam­an­tha Ban­kle Schef­man, the gallery was orig­i­nal­ly lo­cated in a third floor loft. Play­ground Detroit some­times col­lab­o­rates with the Da­vid Klein Gal­lery to put art in­stal­la­tions in the window niches of that gal­lery's Detroit lo­ca­tion.

This gallery's less than half a mile away from Lib­er­al Arts Gal­lery. The two galleries some­times but not always have openings on the same day, rather than one on Fri­day and the other on the fol­low­ing Saturday.

In November 2016, Play­ground De­troit ran a Kick­start­er campaign to raise $75,000 to­ward the new space. On De­cem­ber 28, 2016, cam­paign pledges ex­ceed­ed the goal by $630. The new space had its first ex­hi­bi­tion in early 2018.

Current exhibition

Upcoming exhibitions

Not announced yet.

Past exhibitions

Keto and Paulina

Keto Green (right) and Paulina Pet­kos­ki at the opening reception for his solo show. Photo by Alonso del Arte.

At the new permanent location

Paulina, Sydney and Samantha at Sydney's opening

(left to right) Paulina Petkoski, Sydney G. James, Samantha Bankle Schef­man, at the opening reception for James's solo show.

After obtaining a permanent location, the gallery has continued to have "off-site" exhibits, which sometimes overlap with the "on-site" exhibits.

Ellen Rutt's exhibit This Must Be the Place was hosted by Playground Detroit at Eight­fold Creative, 2831 E. Grand Blvd. Opened July 20, 2019 and ran to July 27, 2019.

Scott Klinker's Structures of Light exhibit was at 1301 Broadway, Detroit. Opened January 10, 2020 and ran to January 31, 2020.

The Hum and Glow of Winter, an in­stal­la­tion at Beacon Park by Michael Polakowski, opened on February 27, 2020. I don't know if it's still there.

James Oscar Lee's Null Account off-site exhibit at 1201 Bagley, in Detroit's Cork­town neighborhood, not far from the gal­lery's original location, opened on Feb­ru­ary 15, 2020, and I believe it ran to March 28, 2020.

Myths + Figments, Antonia Stoyanovich, at 8711 Grand River. Opened October 29, 2020 and ran to November 21, 2020.

On May 21, 2022, the gallery revealed An­tho­ny Bra­zeau's La Flotte, a site-specific in­stal­la­tion near the gallery.

At temporary locations

The painter with one of his paintings at Playground Detroit

Luke Mack next to one of his paintings at a temporary Playground Detroit lo­ca­tion.

At the original location

External links

Liam down the ladder

Liam Eagan goes down the ladder during the opening reception for Ivan Montoya's solo show there.

