Banner near the gallery's entrance.

Look for this sidewalk banner to help you find the way to the gallery's entrance.

Home > Galleries > Detroit > Galerie Camille

Galerie Camille

4130 Cass Ave, Suite C
Detroit MI 48201

Gallery hours are Wednesdays through Sat­ur­days from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Opening re­cep­tions are typ­i­cal­ly on Fridays from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. If you see La Feria tapas restaurant, you're on the right track. So if you don't see the entrance or the side­walk banner, go in the res­tau­rant and ask. The Si­mone DeSousa Gallery is very close by, and so was The Butch­er's Daughter before moving to New York.

Galerie Camille often hosted Museum of New Art (MONA) events in collaboration with Jef Bour­geau. The owner is Adnan Charara, who named the gallery after his oldest daughter.

The director was David Chow (not to be con­fused with CCS instructor and Hollywood sto­ry­board art­ist Dave Chow), then Melanie Chard (who now owns and runs M Con­tem­po­rary Art in Ferndale), then Dalia Reyes and later Marta Carvajal. As of 2025, the gallery is without a gallery director.

Current exhibition

Upcoming exhibitions

The Flora Borsi and Elene Usdin exhibit has been postponed from May 2017 to an as-of-yet unspecified later date, or it might be canceled altogether.

Past exhibitions

Adnan with scarf

Adnan with one of his paintings at Galerie Camille. Note that the scarf has one of his designs.

It's not a long list, as this is a relatively new gallery, but it still takes time to go through it.

External links

Jef Bourgeau with one of his paintings at Galerie Camille

Jef Bourgeau with one of his paintings at Galerie Camille.

