The DAM building during QLine construction

The front of the building Detroit Artists Market is in, during QLine construction in 2016. The main entrance is in the back, by the rear parking lot.

Home > Galleries > Detroit > Detroit Artists Market

Detroit Artists Market

4719 Woodward Avenue
Detroit MI 48201

309 Stroh River Place, Suite 1650
Detroit MI 482??

One of Detroit's oldest galleries. There are more former addresses than listed here. Founded as the Detroit Young Artists Mar­ket in 1932 at a location on Farmer Street, the gallery's name was shortened in 1936 and the location has changed over the years, but the gallery's com­mit­ment to young artists has never wa­vered... well, may­be that statement needs a couple of asterisks.

In 2014, there was a painful lesson for De­troit Artists Market. The celebration of De­troit's 313th birthday included no black art­ists, pro­ducing concentrated backlash on social me­dia. After that painful lesson, there has been some improvement in the inclusion of black art­ists. There's more to be done, but at least there has been some honest, proactive effort.

However, without a painful lesson telling them to include Latino artists, Detroit Artists Market won't make any effort to include La­ti­no artists for exhibits other than exhibits about diversity. It's as if Latino artists exist only when the topic is diversity, as far as De­troit Artists Market is concerned.

Openings are usually on Fridays from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Gallery hours are on Tues­days through Saturdays from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. In between one show closing and the next one opening, the gal­lery's gift shop is still open to the public, with a few exceptions (mostly for holiday observances).

Upcoming exhibitions

Past exhibitions

Cutting the cake for Detroit's 313th birthday

Cutting the first slice of the cake for Detroit's 313th birthday at the 313 opening on June 6, 2014.

External links

