David Klein himself at David Klein Gallery.

David Klein himself at David Klein Gallery.

Home > Galleries > {Birmingham, ? Ferndale ?} > David Klein Gallery

David Klein Gallery

163 Townsend St
Birmingham MI 48009

1520 Washington Boulevard
Detroit MI 48226

Both the Birmingham and Detroit locations were active more or less simultaneously, though with staggered openings.

Gallery hours at the Birmingham location are Tuesdays through Saturdays, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Both the Bir­ming­ham location and the Detroit lo­ca­tion are in operation.

The Detroit location has somewhat similar gallery hours: noon to 5:30 p.m. (not sure when it was changed from 6:00 p.m.). Wednes­days through Saturdays. One may make ap­point­ments to visit the Detroit lo­ca­tion on Tues­days.

At the opening of the Detroit location, David Klein himself had said that most of the ac­tiv­i­ty will be at the Detroit location, but would not completely rule out events over­lap­ping at both locations. But a few weeks later he seems to have decided that the De­troit location will be for contemporary art and the Birmingham lo­ca­tion will be for some­what older art.

David Klein is the owner and Christine Schef­man is the artistic director. The win­dow niche art installations at the Detroit lo­ca­tion are often a collaboration with Play­ground Detroit.

David Klein Gallery represents quite a few artists who have exhibited in the Detroit location.

Upcoming exhibitions

There will be no more exhibitions at the Detroit location.

Past exhibitions

David Klein and Carlos Diaz at David Klein Gallery

David Klein and Carlos Diaz (right) at David Klein Gallery.

I believe the listing for the Detroit location is complete, I know the listing for the Birmingham location is not.

  • At the Birmingham location:
  • External links



    A note to artists submitting proposals: This gallery does have an e-mail address for submissions. A submitted proposal might not receive a response, but at least they have the decency to be upfront about that.