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Library Street Collective

1260 1274 Library
Detroit MI 48226

I'm not sure at what point Library Street Col­lec­tive acquired a Los Angeles lo­ca­tion. I won't really be tracking that one.

Originally known as Long-Sharp Curis, this gal­lery is still partly owned by Anthony and J. J. Curis. Rhonda Long-Sharp's stake was at one time held by Matt Eaton. And it's still prac­ti­cal­ly across the street from the Skillman Branch of the Detroit Public Li­brary.

The new name, revealed in 2012, is clunky or clever, depending on your opinion, but it cer­tain­ly made tran­si­tion­ing the gallery's so­cial me­dia presence easier, as it pre­served the gal­lery's acronym, LSC. Along with the new name, the gallery adopt­ed a 3-hexagon logo.

As before it mostly deals in blue chip art­ists, but skewing younger, and local art­ists who have gone through the Red Bull House of Art pro­gram have a chance at LSC. In addition to the original gallery space in­doors, the gallery now also boasts an out­door gallery in the alley with ready ac­cess to the Z parking structure.

As with Red Bull, arriving early to open­ings is a very good idea. Openings are typically on Sat­ur­days, starting at 6:00 or 7:00 p.m. Gallery hours are Wednesdays through Sat­ur­days from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

On October 15, 2021, the gallery an­nounced that they're representing the art­work of the es­tate of Charles McGee. "Since his passing in early 2021, the gallery has worked alongside his daughter, Lynd­say McGee, to assemble a col­lec­tion of his remaining works," according to the an­nounce­ment from the gallery.

See also Louis / Buhl & Co.

Current exhibition

In collaboration with Mu­se­um of Con­tem­po­rary Art De­troit, Li­brary Street Col­lec­tive hosted a Charles McGee exhibit at the Shep­herd that opened on May 18, 2024. The Shep­herd is at 1265 Parkview in Detroit, not far from Pewabic Pottery.

In collaboration with Bedrock, Library Street Collective sponsored a light and sound ex­hib­it by Christopher Bauder and Kang­ding Ray at 1001 Woodward in De­troit, which opened May 24 and it'll be up un­til July 28.

Upcoming exhibitions

Past exhibitions

The gallery's front entrance.

The gallery's Library Street entrance as of 2016.

The gallery's website also lists some exhibits in Basel and Dubai. We're not going to repeat those here.

A Library Street Collective billboard.

A Library Street Collective billboard, shown here a couple of weeks prior to the exhibit that opened June 18, 2016.

For exhibitions under the old name, see Long-Sharp Curis.

On July 27, 2017, Library Street Collective pres­ented a fundraiser, at $200 a ticket, for the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (MOCAD) at the Hawkins Ferry House.

The Bedrock-sponsored Charles McGee ret­ro­spec­tive that opened on June 1, 2017 at 1505 Woodward was up until July 1, 2017. Gal­lery hours at 1505 Woodward were the exact same as at 1260 Library.

There was talk of Library Street Collective using the 1505 Woodward space again for art exhibitions, but nothing came of it. Now it seems to be the official permanent art exhibition space of the Carr Center.

On May 22, 2018, Library Street Collective pro­vid­ed logistical support for the unveiling of a 17-foot sculpture by a Brooklyn artist who goes by "KAWS" at the Compuware head­quarters in downtown Detroit.

The Cranbrook Art Museum in Bloomfield Hills hosted Library Street Collective for a Shep­ard Fairey exhibit that opened June 16, 2018 and ran to October 7, 2018.

Doug Aitken's Mirage Detroit, a site-specific installation at 151 W. Fort (the old State Sav­ings Bank site) opened October 10, 2018, and ran to February 10, 2019.

Rainbow City Roller Rink was si­mul­ta­neous­ly an art installation and indoor skating rink at 1001 Woodward. It opened November 30, 2018, and it was be avail­able to skaters until January 27, 2019.

I don't know the exact dates for The Beach Detroit, an art installation at 1001 Wood­ward for much of 2019.

There was another collaboration with MOCAD in 2019.

There was also Iconoclasm, an off-site ex­hib­it by Sam Durant, curated by Pedro Alon­zo, at 1265 Parkview in Detroit. That one opened October 31 and ran to No­vem­ber 23.

External links



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