A sculpture by Jake Chidester close to the door to Corktown Studios

A sculpture by Jake Chidester close to the orange front door to Corktown Studios.

Home > Galleries > Detroit > Corktown Studios

Corktown Studios

2707 14th Street
Detroit MI 48216

Opening receptions are usu­al­ly on Sat­ur­days, some­times fol­low­ed by a clos­ing re­cep­tion the fol­low­ing Sat­ur­day. The ma­jor ex­cep­tions are the an­ni­ver­sary shows, which oc­cur on the same Sunday as the St. Pat­rick's Day pa­rade on Mich­i­gan Av­e­nue a couple of blocks south.

Located in Detroit's Corktown neigh­bor­hood, the gallery also has studio space for a few art­ists, and was for a long time the home base of the Rogue Sat­el­lites band and the Haunted Wood Revue con­certs (featuring mostly sing­ing gui­tar­ists).

Owned by Alisyn Malek, the gallery had, for the first five years, Lisa Poszy­wak as ar­tis­tic director (as of March 2023, a suc­ces­sor was not yet named). Studio hold­ers in­cluded Chris­to­pher An­der­son and the late Paula Zam­mit.

After a renovation and ex­pan­sion proj­ect in 2015 was com­pleted, the gallery started look­ing for new artists to oc­cu­py the new studios, even­tu­al­ly adding Amy Fell, Paolo Pe­di­ni and Eliz­a­beth Work­man to their line-up.

In November of that year, the Knight Foun­da­tion named Cork­town Studios as a re­cip­i­ent of a match­ing funds grant for a proj­ect to pro­fes­sion­al­ly re­cord up­com­ing Haunted Wood Re­vue con­certs.

Upcoming exhibitions

Past exhibitions

Paula Zammit with the Scillians

Paula Zammit with the Scillians.

J. J. and Tony with Sara

Sara Nickleson poses with J. J. (left) and Anthony Curis (right) at the opening of her show with Matthew Lisk at Corktown Studios.

On February 12, 2016, the studio hold­ers pulled an all-nighter, starting work on a new piece at 7:00 p.m. that night. The following day they hosted the All-Nighter Open Studio. This was not a for­mal ex­hib­it, and in any case some of those pieces were show­cased at the 4th Anniversary Show.

We should also mention the pop-up event at the Jam Handy, a collaboration with the Detroit Drunk­en Historical So­ci­e­ty (DDHS) to celebrate the city's birth­day, which took place on Saturday, July 25, 2015. The silent auction in­cluded artwork by Bar­ba­ra Cam­pagna, Alonso del Arte, Oscar Oscar, to name just a few.

The studio holders (Alisyn Malek, Jake Chidester, Lisa Poszywak, Jaye Thomas, Paula Zammit, Chris­to­pher Anderson and new member Paolo Pe­di­ni) had an exhibit at Cass Cafe that opened on November 7, 2015 and was up until January 24, 2016.

The gallery participated in Noel Night 2015, with mu­si­cal sculp­tures. And there was a Rogue Sat­el­lites LP re­lease party for the album Bees and Snakes on De­cem­ber 19, 2015.

The studio holders and a few friends had a show at Janice Charach Gallery from May 15, 2016 to June 16, 2016.

On August 19 and 20, 2017, Corktown Studios hosted Rich­ard Sea­man for a portrait paint­ing work­shop.

The anniversary celebration slated for 2020 was canceled be­cause of the co­ro­na­virus pan­dem­ic.

External links

Jaye and Lisa in front of one of her paintings at Corktown Studios.

Jaye Thomas (left) and Lisa Poszywak in front of one of her paintings at Corktown Studios.



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