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Although Darcel Deneau started out as a painter, she has for years been known strictly as a mosaic artist, and she seems to have no interest in going back to painting.

Painters put paint on a gen­er­al­ly flat surfaces to create 2-di­men­sion­al images.

Emilie Beadle's knife on a palette.

Most painters use brushes to get the paint from a palette onto a canvas. But the brush is not the only way. Emilie Beadle, for example, uses a palette knife instead of a brush to get the paint on her canvasses, and Craig Paul Nowak simply drips the paint from squeeze bottles. There is also spray paint, which still has the stigma of vandalism at­tached to it. By using different tips for the spray paint cans, painters can achieve highly so­phis­ti­cated ef­fects.

Some painters, like Jim Pal­las in his Art Gi­ants of Detroit series, don't always use exactly flat sur­faces, and they almost cross the line into sculpture.